Mirrorland by Carole Johnstone, a review by RantingLunatic
To say this book was a tale of twists and turns would be an understatement. Although at first slow to grip my attention, when that grip finally took hold, it was relentless. A little too much detail into background and childhood did not have a firm hold on my readership. The fantasy portion of the book was tedious to me, but the mystery and psychological thriller part piqued my interest at every turn. Cat’s twin intuition about her sister’s supposed death coupled with her suspicion of everyone regarding the clues she is receiving raised the hairs on the back of my neck. The grim truth about Cat and El’s childhood folded in with the surreal events of the present events plays out into the maze that their lives have become. The physical and emotional abuse from their childhood that has followed them into adulthood, casts a pall over the events as thick as the overcast skies of Edinburgh. Nothing is as it seems despite mirrors being a true image.
3 out of 5 stars